Rules for Krazy Winter Nights

The following clearly states rules of conduct for Krazy Winter Nights Party. These rules are the basic guidelines for the respect and decorum that is the expectation while attending the Krazy Winter Nights Party and staying in the hotel.

Breaking of any of these rules will result in your immediate removal from Krazy Winter Nights and the hotel property. No refunds will be given and you will be removed and banned from Krazy Kasbh and all future events.

  • No Nudity or sexual activities in any public area of the hotel unless specifically designated otherwise. This includes but is not limited to the parking lot, Elevators, Ballrooms, lobby and or any floors not specifically designated otherwise.
  • You will follow all security personnel requests at all times. This includes both our Krazy Kasbh team as well as all hotel personnel. Security personnel have the right to remove an individual at their discretion.
  • No outside alcoholic beverages will be brought into the ballrooms.
  • No Damage will occur in any hallways, elevators, public areas with in the hotel. Any Damage that does occur the individual(s) will be held responsible and required to pay for all damages.
  • All members and party goers will be required to wear the designated ID to be in the hotel. Anyone not wearing the designated ID badges will be removed from the building.
  • All food pick up orders and drivers will not be allowed on the floors.
  • No Drama, or Fighting will be allowed.
  • No Excessive Drunkenness.
  • You are required to properly dispose of all biohazards material in your room. Including but not limited to Condoms, Ed treatment paraphernalia. Failure to do so will result in $250 cleaning fee (the individual whose name the room is under will be responsible).


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